ASV - Facts about Alcohol and Other Drug Services
AOD services provide a range of evidence-based treatments and support for people affected by alcohol and other drugs (AOD) misuse. AOD services reduce the harm caused by AOD use, including physical and mental health effects. AOD services offer a range of interventions that can be tailored to meet individual needs and can include assessment, counselling, withdrawal management, rehabilitation and relapse prevention. Flexible treatment and recovery plans are developed depending on service needs, provider availability and individual preference. AOD services are provided in community-based settings, outreach and residential rehabilitation facilities.
The National Framework for AOD Services guides all Australian governments in delivering AOD services, which includes information about access to AOD treatment, AOD-specific clinical standards and AOD treatment services. AOD services also work holistically with other organisations, agencies and communities to address AOD-related issues.
AOD services aim to reduce the harms associated with AOD use and promote positive health outcomes for individuals, families, communities, and society. They do this by providing access to AOD treatments, creating an atmosphere of peer support and offering aftercare options where appropriate. AOD services also strive to ensure AOD use is treated in a non-judgmental manner while trying to create lasting behavioural changes that can contribute positively to an individual’s quality of life.
Ultimately AOD services focus on providing AOD users with the treatment and support they need to address AOD use in a safe and secure environment. AOD services also seek to create lasting behaviour changes that can contribute positively to an individual’s quality of life. AOD services encourage and support individuals, families, communities, and society to improve their health outcomes through evidence-based AOD treatments delivered with respect and compassion.
By working with AOD users, AOD services strive to provide the necessary tools for individuals to manage their AOD-related issues. AOD services also aim to reduce the harms associated with AOD use and promote positive health outcomes for individuals, families, communities, and society. AOD services are an integral part of any comprehensive AOD strategy, working towards preventing AOD-related harms and problems within Australian communities.
Ultimately AOD services strive to provide access to evidence-based AOD treatments to support individuals, families and communities in improving their physical and psychological health outcomes. This is done through providing individualised care that focuses on reducing AOD-related harm while respecting the rights of AOD users. AOD services also work together with other organisations, agencies and communities to address AOD-related issues holistically.
"AOD services also aim to reduce the harms associated with AOD use (addiction) and promote positive health outcomes for individuals, families, communities, and society." Paul - ASV Alcohol Rehab Near Me Program 2023