Cannabis Addiction
Humanity has a long history of using Cannabis, or marijuana, for ritual practices, recreational purposes, and treating medicinal ailments.
Over the years, Cannabis has earned many nicknames, such as weed, pot, and reefer.
Because it is not associated with overdoses and many users don’t show patterns of addiction, many believe that Cannabis is not an addictive substance.
However, like any other mind-altering substance, cannabis dependency and addiction are real and can have life-altering effects that require professional assistance and potential rehab to reverse.
Symptoms of Cannabis Addiction
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders is a diagnostic tool developed and published by the American Psychiatric Association. The most updated version, the DSM-5, recognises the behaviours and symptoms associated with chronic marijuana use as cannabis use disorder, including:
- A strong desire to use Cannabis regularly
- A high tolerance results in needing increased amounts to reach desired effects,
- persistent cannabis use impedes work, home, and social responsibilities
- Repeatedly using Cannabis before or during physically hazardous situations (i.e. driving under the influence, etc.)
- A strong desire but unsuccessful attempts to cut back cannabis use.
- Withdrawal symptoms manifest when quitting (i.e. irritability, restlessness, reduced appetite, headaches, nausea, anxiety, etc.)
Despite the frequent notion that cannabis addiction does not come with severe withdrawal symptoms, it remains a significant challenge for those trying to quit. The chances of relapse tend to be much higher without assistance overcoming an addiction.
How does Cannabis use Impact You and Your Loved Ones?
Marijuana use has potentially far-reaching impacts on mental and physical health, from increased coughing to possibly developing cannabis hyperemesis syndrome. This rare medical condition is thought to be caused by long-term heavy marijuana consumption with accompanying smoke inhalation affecting respiratory functions.
Regular marijuana use has been linked to many mental health problems. It can exacerbate the symptoms of mental disorders, such as anxiety, depression, and schizophrenia.
In some cases, heavy marijuana use can trigger the onset of schizophrenia in individuals with specific genetic markers for the disease. Many heavy users report a lack of motivation for previously rewarding activities and completing responsibilities, contributing to symptoms of depression and anxiety.
Drug addiction can significantly affect an individual and their loved ones. When it comes to marijuana use, the situation is no different - individuals may find themselves in an unrelenting cycle of withdrawal and self-medication that distance them from family members and puts relationships at risk.
If someone you know is struggling with weed abuse or dependence, professional rehabilitation might be the best way for them to get back on track or abstain entirely.
Addiction Solutions Victoria is Here to Help
Australia has seen a dramatic surge in cannabis abuse since the 60s - with signs of this growing trend felt across several regions worldwide. When tackling addiction, seeking help through cannabis rehab is vital, allowing individuals struggling with use disorder who may not initially recognise their problem an opportunity for diagnosis and recovery support.
Addiction is a complex disease that physiologically alters your brain and is influenced by various environmental, psychological, and biological factors. At Addiction Solutions Victoria in Melbourne, rehab is more than providing hope to those dealing with addiction. We specialise in delivering rehab in the home with evidence-based treatments through online services with our professional mental health and addiction professionals. Our family support program is a critical component of our holistic approach that helps individuals achieve the positive internal and external changes necessary for lifelong addiction management.